- Called also photocollographie, héliotypie, albertypie, in German lichtdrûck (printing by the light), in french Phototypie, collotype is a process of high-quality printing, at the fat ink by means of bichromatée gelatin and irradiated.
- Having lived its beautiful years, this technique of printing is little known at the moment, reserved
Alignment of collotype presses. Printing office Société Anonyme Belge de Phototypie – Bruxelles for rare workshops or amateurs. This site owes at first be an encouragement in all those who would like to practise the phototypie allowing to demonstrate all the interest which it deserves.
- In the various sections of this site, dedicated mainly to the technique, you will find the essential indications in the good understanding of the operations which it is necessary to lead to realize one collotype edition. Some of them are more detailed.
- Numerous written works when the collotype was rapidly expanding, or others more recent, contain a crowd of information and details. Several of these books are available for consultation on-line from the menu “Technical books“.
- The here contained descriptions reflect the contemporary practice of the collotype, where the digital photography can intervene at the moment in the process. You will find the procedure there to lead possible tries by avoiding experimentations and wastes of time, or to complete your knowledge.